The HPX-I Ionizing Nozzles (middle) are designed for fixed applications
requiring a narrow stream of ionized air or nitrogen on a continuous
basis. Standard lengths range from 3" to 12" with standard 90 degree
and 45 degree bent nozzles available. Custom sizes are available upon
request; consult factory for details.
HPN High pressure ionizing air nozzles (right) are
designed for the
simultaneous neutralizing and cleaning of materials and parts when
higher flow rates are required. Nozzles
can be mounted individually (Dead End), in series ( Dead end + 1 or
more through) or on an air manifold.

HPN Assembly Shown with optional air header and ball valve.
Power Supply
All Ionizing Air Nozzles require a power unit,
T1246SL, 120V, 50/60
PN 90010-12463 or
T-2246SL 220 V, 50/60 HX PN